• Welcome to the 2023-2024 Comprehensive Treatment Seminars Course Year

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2023-2024 Course Schedule

Seminar 1 (September 27, 2023): “Pediatric Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders: Practical Interdisciplinary Approach to Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment

-Presenters: Joseph Yousefian DMD MS MA, Henry Rowshan DDS

Seminar 2 ( November 15, 2023): “Pharyngorofacial Imaging for Evaluation of Upper Airway and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Children”

-Presenters: Dania Tamimi BDS DMSC, Joseph Yousefian DMD MS MA

Seminar 3 ( January 17, 2024): “The Role of Airway, Sleep, and Breathing in Health, Performance and Patient Outcomes: Developing a Collaborative Approach to Treatment Planning.”

-PresentersPat Mc Bride, Ph.D., CCSH, Howard Hindin DDS

Seminar 4 ( March 20, 2024):
“Interdisciplinary treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, utilizing nonsurgical weight loss and bariatric surgeries in management of obesity.”

-PresenterPeter Billing MD, Eric Harris MD FACS, Steve Carstensen DDS FAGD FICD, Joseph Yousefian DMD MS MA

Seminar 5 ( May 8, 2024): 
“Treatment of the narrow face, narrow smile and obstructive sleep apnea.”

-PresentersYousefian DMD MS MA, Chandur Wadhwani DMD MS, Sam Bobek MD DMD, Jay Levy DMD

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